MacToMac is a small application that allows you to compare models of Macintosh computers directly against each other. It is useful aid in deciding which Macintosh you wish to buy or which one may be best suited to a specific task. It requires system 7 or later.
To use MacToMac simple select the model you are interested in from the pop-up menu and the details of that Macintosh will be displayed. To compare against another model click the mouse in the zoom box at the top right of the window and another menu will be displayed. As well as the textural information an icon is also displayed to give an idea of which style of macintosh you are displaying.
The date of issue can be found in the about box.
This application in Copyrighted FreeWare. Although if you send a home-town postcard to me at the address below I would be most grateful as I never seem to get the chance to travel myself!
You may copy and redistribute MacToMac provided that this documentation accompanies any redistributed copies and that MacToMac is not modified in any way. MacToMac is owned and copyrighted 1994 exclusively by Dave King. All rights reserved.
It is quite difficult to maintain the information included in MacToMac, especially when dealling with Macs only available in the U.S. This is why a number of fields contain "N/A", particulary in the Performa Range. If you can fill any of these blanks for me, or have access to the relevant data on new models please send me the information at the address below and I'll endevour to Keep the database up to date.
If there is any other information you would like to see included in MacToMac please send me any ideas. I've not included prices for obvious reasons.
If, heaven forbid, you should come across a bug ( "Undocumented Features" as I like to refer to them) please send me as much information about your h/w, system and actions as possible.
Dave King
34 Copperfield Rise,
KT15 1AL.
Alternatively I can be reached via Compuserve user 10024,355 who will forward any mail to me.
Release History.
Version 1.0 Released January 1994.
Version 1.0.1 Released March 1994 - Include PowerMacs, Resized Dialog to prevent data
wrapping swapped Data Bus Speed/Size labels.
Version 1.0.2 Released April 1994 - Update Performa data. Added PowerPC Upgradable and
Networking Ports. Remembered to raise Version number.